Frequently Asked Auestions

  • What is VipStream?
    VipStream is a video hosting service. We offer online storage, sophisticated uploading.
    With VipStream you can host your videos, and play them online from Desktop or Mobile.

  • Why should I use VipStream?
    Whenever you need to share a video, VipStream can help.
    We optimize the quality & size of your videos, and make them playable. So you can start watching videos quickly without downloading.

  • Are there any Bandwidth Limitations?
    No, there are no Bandwidth limitations.

  • What kind of files can be uploaded?
    All video format files are allowed.
    The only restrictions are for copyrighted material.
    Please refer to our TOS for more info on VipStream our terms of service.

  • How can I acuire more Storage Space?
    You can aquire more Storage by purchasing a Premium Plan. We also offer Unlimited Storage to Webmasters, If you are a Webmaster, please contact us via our Contact page.

  • What is the Max File Size that I can upload?
    The current Max File Size is 15GB.

  • I still have questions!
    Don't hesitate to contact us using our contact page.